Terms & conditions

1. The contract of hire shall be between the Holidaymaker and the Owner and is subject to the following terms and conditions.

2. A deposit of 25% of the rental is required with the booking. If the booking cannot be accepted by the Owner, the full amount paid shall be returned within 14 days. The Owner reserves the right to refuse a booking. If a booking is accepted, the Holidaymaker becomes liable for the balance of rental for the full period of the holiday, which must be paid 8 weeks prior to the holiday starting. Non payment of the balance monies, when they become due, will constitute cancellation of the holiday and forfeiture of the deposit payment. When the balance of rental is paid, final details of the Property, with travel directions and key holder information will be forwarded.

3. Cancellation of the booking must be made in writing by the Holidaymaker. The effective date of the cancellation will be the date it is received by the Owner. If the cancellation date is more than 8 weeks prior to commencement of the holiday, only the deposit will be forfeited. If a deposit of less than the full 25% has been requested/paid under the terms of any promotion, then the remainder of the 25% deposit will become payable on cancellation. If the cancellation date is less than 8 weeks prior to commencement of the holiday, the full rental charge will be incurred, unless the Owner is able to re-let the Property for the whole of the rental period. In the unlikely event that the Owner cancels a confirmed booking, all monies received will be returned and there will be no further liability to or by the Owner. The Holidaymaker is advised to take out their own holiday cancellation insurance cover.

4. The period of hire shall be from 4pm on the day of arrival and the Property must be vacated by 10am on the day of departure, unless otherwise stated or agreed in writing. If the Holidaymaker is unable to arrive at the Property by 6pm on the due date of arrival, the Holidaymaker must advise the Owner of the intended late arrival. Failure to arrive by midday on the day following the holiday start date together with failure in those circumstances to advise the Owner constitutes cancellation by the Holidaymaker.

5. Under no circumstances may the number of people occupying the Property exceed the number stated in the booking form.

6. The minimum permitted age of any person in the party is 25 years of age.

7. The Owner reserves the right to refuse entry or terminate the hire without notice if in the Owner’s reasonable opinion, the Holidaymaker is incapable to take charge. Rents will not be refunded and in such cases, all liability of the Owner shall cease.

8. Pets are only permitted into the property under the terms of the Owner’s Pet Policy.

9. Where a dog or other pet is brought into the Property which the Owner has not been advised of prior to arrival, the Owner reserves the right to evict the Holidaymaker and make an additional charge to cover extra cleaning costs. Dogs must not enter any bedrooms or bathrooms, if it is found a dog has been in these areas of the property an additional charge will be made to cover extra cleaning.

10. The booking is made on the understanding that the Property is available to the Holidaymaker on the dates stated. If for any reason the Property is not available on the date booked or subsequently becomes unavailable, the Owner will advise the Holidaymaker as soon as possible. The Owner shall not be liable for any loss, expense, inconvenience or otherwise resulting in such unavailability or unsuitability and the Holidaymaker shall have no claim against him.

11. The Owner permits the reasonable use of all utility services to the Holidaymaker such as water and electricity however will not accept any liability for the failure of the service providers to provide these utilities. Hose pipes, jet washers, etc are not permitted.

12. Submission of a booking to the Owner will be deemed to be an acceptance of these conditions. The person who completes the booking warrants that he/she is authorised to agree to these terms and conditions and is acting on behalf of all persons including those substituted or who join the party at a later date. The person who completes the booking is responsible for ensuring that all persons occupying the Property comply with the terms and conditions and in all respects. The Property occupied is strictly on the basis that the accommodation is for holiday use only and that no right to remain in the Property after the end of the holiday period booked exists for the Holidaymaker or for any person or persons who occupy the Property. All persons will vacate the Property at the conclusion of the period of the holiday.

13. The hired Property shall be used solely for holiday purposes and the Holidaymaker shall not sub-let the Property, or any part of the Property, or any equipment from the Property. Caravans, campervans, tents or camping are not permitted on the property.

14. Smoking or vaping are not permitted in the property, under the canopy covering the terrace or within 5m of the building/adjacent garage. Open fires are not permitted anywhere in the property or its curtilage. Portable heating equipment such as disposable barbeques may not be used in the property, under the canopy covering terrace or within 5m of the gas storage cylinders. They may be used outside the property but must be at least 2m away from vegetation and must be taken away from site once you have finished with them. Any cigarette or barbeque litter will incur a charge of £50.

15. The Holidaymaker shall at all times maintain the Property and its contents in a clean and tidy condition and accept the Property as it is equipped at the commencement of hire. The Holidaymaker must check the Property and its contents immediately on arrival and notify the Owner or his representative immediately of any faults or damaged items. The Holidaymaker is expected to leave the holiday accommodation in the same state of cleanliness, general repair and the order in which it was found. An additional charge may be made if extra cleaning is required. The Holidaymaker shall be liable to the Owner for any loss, costs, expenses or claims arising from any damage caused to the Property and/or its contents by the deliberate or negligent act or omission of the Holidaymaker or of any person in his/her party or damage caused by pets. If, as a result of such damage, the Property or any of its contents need to be repaired or any of the contents need to be replaced then the Holidaymaker shall be responsible for paying the reasonable costs of doing so.

16. If in the unlikely event that the Holidaymaker, for any reason, is not satisfied with the accommodation, the Owner must be contacted immediately so that the problem can be rectified. Failure by the Holidaymaker to notify any complaint prior to departure will entitle the Owner to refuse to entertain the complaint, irrespective of its merits as it will be appreciated that it will then be impossible for the complaint to be effectively investigated or rectified. Under no circumstances will the Owner’s liability exceed the rental paid for the Property.

17. One set of keys will be made available to The Holidaymaker during their stay. As such, if the Holidaymaker locks themselves out of the cottage there will be a fee of £50 payable for someone to come and let them back in. If any keys are lost a fee of £200 is payable to cover the cost of new locks to be fitted and sets of keys which will need to be cut. On the departure day, all keys to the Property must be returned/relinquished by the Holidaymaker, as per the instructions detailed by the Owner.

18. No employee or representative of the Owner has any authority or right to modify any of these terms and conditions or to make any representation or undertake any liability on behalf of the Owner.

19. The Holidaymaker shall allow the Owner, his representative or employees entry to the premises for all reasonable purposes having given notice where possible.

20. Whilst the Owner has used his best endeavours to ensure accuracy of all information supplied and details of the Property is given in good faith, no warranty is given as to their accuracy and he does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage resulting from information given or statements made whether orally or in writing.

21. The Owner gives no guarantee or warranty as to the state or condition of the Property and will not be liable for any act, neglect or default on his part or any other person, nor for any accident, damage, loss, injury, expense or inconvenience whether to person or property which the Holidaymaker or any other person may suffer or incur. Although the Owner will use his best endeavours to fix any broken domestic appliances or other equipment/contents as soon as possible, the Holidaymaker acknowledges that due to the limited period of hire, it may not be possible to repair such items during the period of hire.

22. The clauses of these terms and conditions shall operate on the basis that the terms and conditions and provisions contained within them shall be severable so as to have effect as separate and distinct rights, provisions and obligations independently of the others. In all cases where any part of these terms and conditions is an unenforceable provision in terms of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 or similar legislation, the unenforceable provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of these terms and conditions, which remain in force as if the unenforceable provision had been eliminated.

23. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence (as defined by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977); (ii) fraud; (iii) misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter; or (iv) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the law of the United Kingdom, except in so far as it is competently varied or excluded and these conditions shall be read and construed accordingly.

24. Internet access is available at the property by connection to Wi-Fi. Up to 2GB of data transfer per week is included in the price of the rental. This should be more than ample for email access and web browsing. If you wish to, or do use, more than your allotted allowance and it causes the Owner to exceed his monthly internet traffic limit, a further charge will be made (which is the additional cost to the Owner). Wi-Fi connection is included within the rental charge within our tariff but connection and compatibility cannot be guaranteed.

25. Only seasoned wood must be used in the woodburner. If it is found that a Holidaymaker has used unseasoned wood, coal or any other material other than seasoned wood, there will be a minimum charge of £60 to sweep the flue or £1000 to replace the flue or £4500 in the event that the woodburner is damaged beyond repair.

26. Should the Holidaymaker leave behind any of their personal belongings within the Property on the day of departure, the Owner will after communicating with the Holidaymaker either a) Return the items to the Holidaymaker subject to all costs of return being met in advance, by the Holidaymaker. b) If mutually agreeable to both parties, hold onto the items for a short period of time until the Holidaymaker can make their own arrangements to retrieve their items that is deemed to be a convenient time to the Owner. c) Dispose of the items.

27. Electrical equipment up to a maximum rating of 240v/5 Amps may be plugged into the electrical outlets in the property together with any electrical equipment provided by the Owner. Additional electric fires, electric vehicles and their chargers are not permitted to be connected to
the Property electrical system.

28. The Property is located in a recognised Dark Sky region and the Holidaymaker undertakes to turn off all electric lights when not in use to prevent excessive light leakage from the Property.

29. Bicycles are not permitted inside the Property.

30. In these terms and conditions:
a) The “Owner” shall mean the owner of the Property
b) The “Property” shall mean Glan-y-gors, Beddgelert LL55 4UU.
c) The “Holidaymaker” shall mean the person making the booking.

31. British Law shall apply to all contractual obligations arising out of these terms and conditions.

32. These terms are valid as from 1st January 2018.

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